This module is used for recreating ingame tooltips for Parallel items with custom textures. These are referenced in item templates using the prefix parallel:, as in parallel:itemname. To be rendered correctly on the wiki, an item needs display information specified on this page and an associated image uploaded, titled File:itemname.png.

local aliases = {

	['Pocket Teleporter']     	= { title = '&5Pocket Teleporter', name = 'Pocket Teleporter', text = '&eRight-click &7to teleport between spawn/and your last location./&eShift + Right-click &7to reset your last location.' },
	['Totem of the Void']     	= { title = '&5Totem of the Void', name = 'Totem of the Void', text = '&7Prevents you from dying in the void' },
	['Makeshift Wings']	        = { title = '&#c8a249Makeshift Wings', name = 'Makeshift Wings', text = '&oThis apparatus *should* grant/its wearer the ability to fly' },
	['Broken Makeshift Wings']	= { title = '&#c8a249Makeshift Wings', name = 'Makeshift Wings', text = '&oThis apparatus *should* grant/its wearer the ability to fly' },
	['Red Astronaut Hat']	= { title = '&4&lRed Astronaut Hat', name = 'Red Astronaut Hat', text = '&oThe vast void of space is harsh without this./&r&cRequired to access the Space Station!//&r&7When on head:/&9+2 Armor Toughness/&9+2 Armor' },

	['Baguette']	    = { name = 'Baguette'},
	['Halloween Candy']	= { title = '&5Spooky Candy', name = 'Halloween Candy', text = '&6&oIts flavor is unique, and/always changing. Quite spooky!' },

	['Soul Shard']           	= { name = 'Soul Shard'},
	['Unstable Soul Shard']	    = { title = '&6Unstable Soul Shard', name = 'Unstable Soul Shard'},
	['Tinted Potion Bottle']	= { title = '&7Tinted Potion Bottle', name = 'Tinted Potion Bottle', text = '&oA gross bottle that you should/never drink under any circumstances' },

-- Hat Pack 1 --
local hatPack = { 
	{ 'Glow Squid Hat',                 '&a',  '*glowy blorp*'},
	{ 'Pirate Hat',                     '&6',  'Arr, me matey! Set sail for all the seven seas!'},
	{ 'Squid Hat',                      '&9',  '*blorp*'},

for _, hat in ipairs( hatPack ) do
	local name = hat[1]
	local color = hat[2]
	local lore = hat[3]
	aliases[name] = { title = '&l' .. color .. name, name = name, text = '&8♦ Hat Pack 1 ♦/&r&o' .. lore}

-- Halloween Series --
local halloweenHats = { 
	{ 'Original Witch Hat',             '&a',  'Double, double toil and trouble;/Fire burn and cauldron bubble...'},
for _, hat in ipairs( halloweenHats ) do
	local name = hat[1]
	local color = hat[2]
	local lore = hat[3]
	aliases[name] = { title = '&l' .. color .. name, name = name, text = '&8♦ Hat Pack 1 ♦/&r&o' .. lore}

-- Villager Series --
local villagerHats = { 
	{ 'Armorer\'s Welding Mask',        '&7',  'Shield your eyes from the fiery forge!'},
	{ 'Cartographer\'s Golden Monocle', '&e',  'They make maps so tiny these days...'},
	{ 'Farmer\'s Straw Hat',            '&e',  'It ain\'t much, but it\'s honest work.'},
	{ 'Weaponsmith\'s Eyepatch',        '&c',  'I keep running into walls with this thing...'},
for _, hat in ipairs( villagerHats ) do
	local name = hat[1]
	local color = hat[2]
	local lore = hat[3]
	aliases[name] = { title = '&l' .. color .. name, name = name, text = '&8♦ Villager Series ♦/&r&o' .. lore}

-- Cat Series --
local catHats = { 
	{ 'British Shorthair',  '&7'},
	{ 'Calico',             '&6'},
	{ 'Red',                '&c'},
for _, kitty in ipairs( catHats ) do
	local name = kitty[1] .. ' Cat Hat'
	local color = kitty[2]
	aliases[name] = { title = '&l' .. color .. name, name = name, text = '&8♦ Cat Series ♦/&r&oThe purr-fect hat!'}

return aliases