A number of lorebooks written by NPCs can be found across Parallel. They are compiled here roughly in the order that they were discovered.

Shopping District

Originally found in front of the Shopping District nether portal in Parallel Prime, the lectern was moved to Otherside with the rest of the Shopping District.

------------------- ==An Unfamiliar Past== ------------------- Here stands the corner of a castle, a fortress seemingly longsince destroyed. Yet, records of such a castle do not exist. How can there be ruins where nothing stood to be ruined? More curious still, where is the rest of
the castle? Surely there would have been other remains of a structure so massive? Within these ruins, a crack in spacetime has formed, leading to the familiar Netherworld. But how were those portals formed, if no one has ever been recorded lighting them?
These mysteries and others remain, and will continue to vex the denizens of Parallel until someone uncovers the truth... Will it be YOU?
Post theories and discussion to the discord! /discord

Crash Site

Captain's Log Log 23 - 6/14/1020CF
Well, here I am again, putting my words to paper to capture my daily activities. You'd think by now, they would have come up with a way to voice automate this. Then again, it doesn't really matter to me. I'm a simple man; if I see a pen and paper, I'm going to use it. It's a wonder that I'm in
such a technologically advanced job in the first place, but I guess my love for the stars overrides anything else. Further image captures of the new star system have been a success. There's nothing better than a freshly captured photo of a
planet to remind you that there's an alternative to the constant monotony of a malfunctioning imaging system. The higher-ups really need to take a look at my ship, but they won't get a chance until I complete my mission in a few days.
Lastly, there seems to be a strange energy source coming from a nearby planet. Readings are off the charts compared to anything I've seen before, so I should probably go investigate in case a different explorer division finds it and accuses me of skipping over it.
It'll be interesting coming home in a few days after spending a decent amount of time away. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Signing off for now, Red Leader

Jess' Tower

I'M GOING TO LIVE!!! The housing hurts a whole lot when I cough, but the surgeon assured me that would pass as it healed. It better, because I want to scratch my ribs out right now. BUT I'M NOT DYING! The main chipset is online, containment is holding steady, and the power
supply will last a year before it needs to be replenished. So I guess I should say I'm not dying for now. But we knew this going in! A year is a lot of time to find a workable power source, and its a whole year I'M ALIVE FOR! I've got a few
ideas for power, and a whole two weeks of prescribed bedrest to think about them. Day 18 4 days off bedrest and I can finally get back to my lab to start testing things! I don't think a redstone battery will work, even with copper casings,
but it's better to try the simple things first. Day 19 Redstone battery would last a day. Maybe. I've read articles about new quartz inlays that have been shown to greatly increase power output, so I can try those when the
factories catch up to demand in...... 5 weeks. Plenty of time to design the next smallest redstone battery! Day 60 Good news! Quartz inlays greatly increase output! Bad news! They greatly
increase output to the point of explosions! New power sources discovered from prismarine crystals? Well something needs to power the lanterns I guess. I'll try to order some.
Day 79 Much greater power output than the redstone batteries! It'd buy me a month or so. That's a good emergency source, but I'd like a better power source for my continued existence. Back to the drawing board.
Day 130 Combinations of prismarine power, quartz inlays, copper casings, redstone wiring, etc. have gotten me 6 weeks at the most.
Day 163 I don't particularly trust ender pearl power, but an expermental power source is better than death. So I'll have to try it.
Day 189 Nothing. Maximum power output is still 6 weeks at the most. Day 217 Combinations of different power sources have given me 7 weeks. Curse this machine for needing so much power.
Day 239 Rifts. That's a thought. They must expend a lot of power both keeping their shape and transporting things that pass through. Could I extract that power?
Day 270 Yes. I can. It's very unstable for the Rift. But if my calculations are correct I could get up to a year in one siphoning process. I'll attempt to stabilize the siphon, make it as unintrusive as possible.
Day 304 I've stabilized it a bit. But the margin of error is too wide, and the chance of ripping open the Rift is too high. Not to mention the chances of imploding both myself and the Rift.
Day 315 40 days to live. No progress on stabilization. If I extract power from the Rift, I will likely kill at least the 30 people in the lab below it. If not the whole town. I cannot abide by that.
Day 320 I cannot abide by that. I need another power source. Day 332 I don't have a power source. Or time. Not even my previous prototypes are stable enough.
Day 344 Three weeks to live. Day 349 Calibrations on the siphoning equipment have completed. And I've figured how to go through the Rift and dodge the implosion. But I can't stop it. I need another way.
Day 352 I need another way. But I've packed my Rift sensors in a go bag. Just in case. Day 360 Five days. Pain has increased drastically. Regen potions don't work enough.
Day 362 There's no other way.
Day 364 I'm sorry. But I can't find another way.

Space Station

Captain's Quarters

Floor 3 alcove



Med Bay


Otherside Spawn Town

Botanical Chapel

Red Rose Inn

Willie's House


Mesa Outpost

Lush Outpost

Jungle Outpost

Cliffside Outpost

Forest Outpost

Ralnthar's Lair

The Cube
