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A day-by-day history of major events on Parallel.
- August (Presumed): Jess recovers from a successful surgical operation (gaining one year to live) on another unknown dimension and begins writing Post-Op Log.

A spherical rift begins to form over Spawn Town
- March 30: The server opening is teased on YouTube.
- April 1:
- Parallel opens to players, with access to Parallel Prime and Nether Prime.
- The lorebook An Unfamiliar Past touches on the mysterious ruins at Spawn Town and asks where nether portals come from.
- April ?: Four purple parallel lines (later identified as linear rifts) are spotted in the sky over Spawn Town.
- April 9:
- The four tears in the sky expand into a sphere.
- Niall first appears, identifying himself as a traveler with an intent to "keep an eye" on the anomaly.
- April 18: The sphere expands and develops an outer layer. Niall deems this a normal occurrence, though occurring sooner than expected.
- April 29: The sphere seemingly collapses into a small 5-block area consisting of end portal blocks surrounded by barriers.
- May 12: A neutral mob, identified by Niall as a wisp, is first observed in the settlement Heiwa Kame; more wisps are later found elsewhere. Niall forbids players from provoking the Wisps by killing them.
- May 15 Construction begins on the Shopping District in Parallel Prime.
- May 28: The sphere in the sky once again expands.
- June 1:
- The Shopping District officially opens in Parallel Prime.
- Red, a shopkeeper villager, appears in the newly established Shopping District and sets up a kiosk. He appears perplexed, unsure of where he or his shop supplies came from.
- June 8: The Volatile Science event occurs. The spherical anomaly continues to expand. A team of players towers toward it and encounters unusual effects, such as levitation and glowing. Wisps are spotted at its base. Niall warns that it is growing unstable.
- June 12: Diamondback88 posts this teaser image sent by Niall in #announcements
- June 14 (presumed): Red writes Captain’s Log 23 while in space, scanning Sector 47-B.
- June 18: The Crash Site Dungeon Event occurs. Niall requests the help of players for investigating scattered debris across Quadrant IV of Parallel Prime, which results in players finding a distress beacon and various space ship parts. The search culminated in the discovery of the Crash Site Crater Dungeon, where players found the bridge of a ship originally belonging to Red. The impact crater from the bridge component was deep enough to unearth a large dungeon directly below the ship remnant, which players explored accordingly.
- July 12: Parallel updates to Java 1.16. Nether Prime is completely regenerated for 1.16 terrain and features.
- July 26: The End opens. The Commune (now The Commonwealth) opens its borders. Players take The Ender Express from The Commune to a stronghold in Parallel Prime and fight the First Ender Dragon Battle in the End. After defeating The Ender Dragon players explore the End and discover a plethora of new structures scattering the End, including the apparent remains of Eetles containing Eetle Wings.
- August 16 Jess makes her second appearance to Parallel Prime. She notices a lot of people online and says she has to wait. Although unknown at the time, the thing she was waiting for was to open the spherical rift on Parallel Prime.
- August 20 Jess returns to Parallel Prime for the third time, saying that in a few days she will have “harnessed the power of the rift.”
- August 21 Jess makes her fourth appearance on Parallel Prime, leading to the Rift Harvest on Parallel Prime. She constructs a red sandstone scaffolding tower below the spherical rift near the Parallel Prime Spawn Point. The rift gains a quaternary layer of nether portal blocks, and a few minutes later Parallel shuts down with a message from Jess saying “I warned you.”
- August 23 Parallel reopens. Players discover the creation of the Parallel Prime Spawn Town near the Spawn Point and spherical rift. Niall makes an in-person appearance, where he works in the Parallel Prime Spawn Town Observatory. He and the players approach the rift in Parallel Prime Spawn Town, where they notice the primary layer has condensed to a platform of purple concrete blocks. Upon contact with the blocks players and Niall are instantly transported to a new dimension, the Sky Dimension. Players meet Buddy and King Cloudius, as well as Gino and Rudy, in the Sky Kingdom. Buddy offers a quest to players to speak to King Cloudius upon entry to the Sky Dimension. Cloudius reveals that the opening of a rift between Parallel Prime and the Sky Dimension caused extensive damage to his kingdom, and indicated an interest in establishing a cooperative relationship with players.
- August 23-August 27 Exploration of the Sky Kingdom and the rest of the available Sky Dimension reveal scattered signs with incomplete messages, an obelisk named “The Blackness of Eternity,” the appearance of Nether portal clusters, and the return of Wisps.
- October 8 Upon killing Wisps spawning in the Sky Dimension, they are discovered to drop mysterious items called Soul Shards.
- January 18 Niall joins the Parallel Discord Server.
- January 21 Niall returns to his Observatory in Parallel Prime.
- January 23 Niall announces in Discord that after completing some studies of the Parallel Prime Spawn Town Rift, he has made some discoveries in interspatial (or intradimensional) rift-based travel, which allows the use of rift energy to easily teleport to different places in the same dimension. Portal pads from Parallel Prime Spawn Town to (and from) the Red Rose Arena and the Shopping District open. Lastly, Niall informed players of an “unknown life form” detected in the Sky Dimension (some more Wisps), which he needed help from players to investigate.
- June 1 Diamondback88 mentions in an announcement that Niall will be delivering a message to players at an upcoming Game Night.
- June 4 Niall delivers a message from King Cloudius to the players. The message is a call to help to players, as the crimson dragon Ralnthar, the Soul Eater has been spotted en route to The Kingdom of the Sky. He asks players to assist him in moving is wealth from his palace to Midas’s Well in Parallel Prime Spawn Town. After doing this, Cloudius asks players to prepare for battle as the arrival of Ralnthar was imminent. Upon the dragon’s appearance in The Kingdom of the Sky the Siege of the Sky Kingdom event occurs, leading to the defeat of the players and the total destruction and occupation of The Kingdom of the Sky. During the siege, new mobs such as Fire Wisps and Juvenile Crimson Dragons were observed, as well as the new item Unstable Soul Shard. In the aftermath of the siege Niall, Jess, and Cloudius discuss how to cope with the reckoning of The Kingdom of the Sky. In order to rebuild, it is concluded that interdimensional technology from Red must be procured to transport the necessary amount of materials from Parallel Prime to the Sky Dimension.
- July 5 Parallel updates to Java 1.17. Parallel Prime underwent a border expansion from ±5000 x 5000 blocks to ±8000 x 8000 blocks (from a total of 100,000 to 256,000 square blocks in area, more than double its previous size). Parallel Prime Spawn Town has undergone some changes, where NPCs from The Kingdom of the Sky fled to various buildings in the town. Rudy established a smithy and Gino established a bakery as NPC shops. Additionally, three portal pads from the Parallel Prime Spawn Town opened, each to a newly discovered Biome Town: Mountain Town, Savannah Town, and Jungle Town. These towns were abandoned and decrepit upon entry, so it was the task of the players to rebuild and resettle these towns. All three of these biome towns were outside of the previous world border.
- July 11 Parallel hosts its second 4th of July Fireworks Show one week late.
- July 19 Players begin reporting the existence of various asteroid impacts on Parallel Prime. Crater sites P-A-71921 and P-B-71921. Each asteroid crater contains an obsidian asteroid with loot inside of it, including a unique named spyglass. P-A-71921's spyglass was named "explore new worlds" and P-B-71921's spyglass was named "is there more to the sky?".
- July 21 An expedition lead by CreeperKing309 to a Woodland Fortress leads to the accidental discovery of Niall's Private Observatory on Parallel Prime. Players noticed a fire wisp trapped in a locked room, as well as a secret basement containing an isolated rift block. A lectern written in Galactic Standard Alphabet warned of an impending storm, which was not otherwise elaborated upon.
- July 22 Some scaffolding for repairing the Kingdom of the Sky are reported. Niall is observed in his Private Observatory, while the fire wisp inside is reported missing.
- July 26 More scaffolding observed in the Sky Kingdom. Ralnthar continued to preside over the occupied territory during the rebuilding, apparently uninterested in stopping it.
- July 30 A storm cloud is reported underneath the main island in the Kingdom of the Sky. A map is discovered in the wreckage, depicting part of a stone castle apparently not yet observed. Niall leaves paintings of asteroids in the Parallel Prime Spawn Town.
- July 31
- Some notebooks from pillager outposts have been documented in the ice biomes of Parallel Prime, indicating tensions between the pillagers and their villager neighbors.
- CreeperKing309 hosts a drop party in Savannah Town, after which players accidentally discover Jess's Outpost. Players discover more about the personal history of Jess from books including Post-op Log and World 6 Log.
- August 1 Checkered planar rifts are documented in the Sky Dimension. Fire wisps are observed once again in Niall's private observatory.
- August 2 Jess is observed in her outpost, displeased with the trespassing of players.
- August 7 Jess joins the Parallel Discord Server and asks players to help her investigate a structure linked to King Cloudius found on Parallel Prime.
- August 8 Jess and a party of players head to Jungle Town on Parallel Prime. They find Cloudius's Tower, which contains some lecterns of King Cloudius's thoughts after the Siege of the Sky Kingdom. Players learn he is increasingly preoccupied with Jess's ability to expand the rift between Parallel Prime and the Sky Kingdom, in order to expedite the rebuilding process. King Cloudius does arrive at the tower, angry with players not only for trespassing but also for failing to defend his kingdom.
- August 11 Red tells players he has made contact with his Space Station and invites them to look for parts there. Jess makes a message in discord asking players for stabilizer and powering items.
- August 15 The Space Station event occurs. Red's ship arrives near the Parallel Prime Spawn Town, and players enter the ship. Upon discovery of a zombified cadet inside the ship, the mission to reunify with the Space Station hits a much darker note. When they arrive at the space station, most of the crew had been killed and turned into zombies or skeletons. The station was severely damaged with apparent mold infestations that breached parts of the hull of the station, as well as permeating the several floors of the station. Players learn the zombification was due to a containment breach of some sort. More about Red's backstory is revealed in the various lecterns throughout the ship, as well as references to unmet characters Germaine Hoang, Logan Carter, Inmate Karl, and Moondust. After collecting the parts from the damaged station, Red returns players to the Parallel Prime Spawn Town. Jess receives the parts.
- August 18
- Niall notifies players that he and Red have returned to the Space Station and cleared all the damage and infestation in the station. The Space Station reopens to players.
- More repairs to the Kingdom of the Sky are underway, including a full repair of one of the linear rifts back to Parallel Prime
- September 19 A drop party is hosted in Savannah Town, after which the following teaser image is released.
- September 28 Players upload more books found in various pillager castles in Parallel Prime, with possible links to the Sky Dimension.
- October 10 Parallel Prime Spawn Town undergoes some changes for Halloween, including a guest appearance of Frankenstein in The Observatory
- October 16 Players rematch the Ender Dragon in the Second Ender Dragon Battle to hallmark the reset of the End. Players go on to discover several new structures in the End after defeating the Ender Dragon.
- October 30 After a game night players see Jess conversing with King Cloudius about the status of expanding the rift to the Sky Dimension. Some progress has been made in repairs, and the pair of linear rifts in the Sky Dimension have now transformed to a single spherical rift. Additionally, a weird shrine to Mooism is found in the Sky Dimension.
- November 2 The following video is uploaded to #teasers by Diamondback88: [1]
- November 17 Diamondback88 posts this link to #teasers: [2]
- November 30
- Diamondback88 posts this calendar in #teasers
- December 11 King Cloudius reveals that December 11 is his birthday.
- December 26 Parallel shuts down to prepare to update to Java 1.18. After doing so Niall posts in #announcements that he has noticed unprecedented, extremely unstable energy readings near the Parallel Prime Spawn Town Rift. He does not know where the source is, but anticipates a "wild ride" upon returning to Parallel.
- December 28
- Diamondback88 uploads the following teaser trailer for 1.18 into #announcements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cksJVtw6nG0
- Parallel reopens to players. Upon rejoining, rather than being in one of the worlds of Parallel everyone is in a black chamber with Niall, Jess, and King Cloudius. Niall begins explaining what happened after players had to return all of their items into an energy vault, as they became filled with unstable rift energy for reasons described below. Then a portal pad opens, taking players to an entirely new world (in 1.18 generation) that became known as Otherside.
- Niall explains that Cloudius exploited Jess's efforts at expanding the rift in the Sky Dimension to rid himself of Ralnthar early. By coaxing the dragon through the rift, Cloudius thought he could remove him from the Kingdom of the Sky, but the rift in the Sky Dimension was too small. This lead to overwhelming the rift between the Sky Dimension and Parallel Prime, and Ralnthar entering Parallel Prime.
- Niall explains that another rift was beginning to form in the Shopping District of Parallel prime, and when Ralnthar entered Parallel Prime this rift opened for Jess, Niall, and Red to escape through. Niall states that this was the cause of the energized gear and that players would not be able to have their gear for a while.
- Another rift is beginning to form in Otherside, perhaps a way for players to return to Parallel Prime. Niall and Jess say that they will actively work on reconnecting the two worlds over the next few weeks while players settle in Otherside.
- Players explore the Otherside Spawn Town and meet Willie, who mentions a fellow NPC Researcher Lane in his introduction to players. They discover notes in Lane's Observatory about various outposts scattered throughout the world that he went out to check. Willie introduces the Frontier Towns of Otherside to the players: Mesa Metro, Lush Town, and Cliff Town. Avig, the Stump Witch, is mentioned in some of the lecterns of the town.
- The Otherside Spawn Town Rift is explored and discovered to connect to the Sky Dimension. Players see Ralnthar's tail cut off in the Sky Dimension due to Cloudius's shunting of the dragon through the rift to Parallel Prime. Blue's empty shop remains.
- Rudy, Maggie, Gino, Hal, and Red enter Otherside. Red replaces Blue's shop.
- December 29 Players discover high energy fields outside of Otherside Spawn Town, which Niall believes are necessary for returning to Parallel Prime.
- December 30 Willie opens his build shop in the Otherside Spawn Town.
- December 31
- All of Researcher Lane's outposts in Otherside have now been discovered.
- January 4
- An abandoned prison cell with a note about priests from a prisoner is discovered near the world border of Otherside.
- Niall posts in #announcements that he has deduced that Researcher Lane would be trying to clear a dungeon in Otherside, and invites players to join in meeting Researcher Lane there.
- January 7
- Players meet Researcher Lane for the first time in the Otherside Spawn Town.
- January 15 An outpost belonging to a mysterious individual known as The Stormgate Keeperwas discovered on Otherside. The Keeper then introduces themself in a message in #server, saying that they lead the Stormgate Keepers, a society in the shadows that occasionally resurfaces. They say more visits should be anticipated from the Stormgate Keepers, including a drop party.
- January 16 There are reports of loot chests deposited in various locations on Otherside such as New Scrovnia by the Stormgate Keepers.
- Nial, Researcher Lane, and the players raid The Citadel, a dungeon in Otherside containing a Portal Catalyzer.
- January 22 Construction on the Rift Catalyzer to unite Parallel Prime to Otherside begins.
- January 29 After requesting more powering items from players, Jess, Niall, and Researcher Lane successfully activate the Rift Catalyzer to open a rift between Parallel Prime and Otherside. In doing so, the Shopping District was overlayed to Otherside, having been sucked away from Parallel Prime during the opening.
- January 30 The Keeper sends a message to players in #documentation that they have observed the things that transpired on January 29 and that they will be making an appearance soon.
- For Jess and Researcher Lane, however, upon opening of this rift they were transported right into Ralnthar's body, so Niall and the players had to enter the dormant Ralnthar in order to rescue them. Ralnthar apparently settled in Midas's Well, where players stored King Cloudius's gold the previous June. Players had to deal serious damage to his fire gland before he let Researcher Lane and Jess out.
- Ralnthar admitted to being in a weakened state for the time being, and threatened vengeance for when he returned to health. He offered players the temptation of his captured riches by allowing them to exchange soul shards for randomized loot from the well, until he healed.
- Players were able to access their vaults from the closure of Parallel Prime again, and Ender Chests gained interdimensional functionality between the two worlds.
- Red announces that he soon will be selling a Pocket Teleporter device.
- February 5 Willie begins repairing Parallel Prime Spawn Town from Ralnthar's damage.
- February 7 Niall checks into Maggie's Hotel, apparently feeling anxious from Ralnthar's earlier threats.
- February 8 Ralnthar's footprints have been observed on Parallel Prime, presumably from his initial entry from the rift incident in December 2021.
- February 12 The Stormgate Keeper's drop party platform is discovered in The Shopping District.
- February 17 The Stormgate Keepers make their first in-game appearance with their leader The_Storm_Keeper. They announce a drop party at a platform in the Shopping District. After hosting a drop party, Niall makes an appearance, worried about nightmares he keeps having. He says he has very little knowledge of the Stormgate Keepers.
- February 22
- Researcher Lane reports that some of Ralnthar's minions have been observed in the Sky Dimension at night. He reports that he has not seen Niall for a few days.
- After arguing with King Cloudius, robbie1776 challenges him to a fight in the Red Rose Arena where he is promptly defeated with thunderbolts.
- A book is found in Lane's Observatory where Niall says he will be out for a while.
- March 20 NecroticSpecter defeats robbie1776 in the longest recorded PvP fight in the Red Rose Arena, approaching 45 minutes of combat time. Researcher Lane makes a brief appearance to congratulate the victor and inform players that he and Niall are working on finding a solution to Niall's "problem".
- April 2 Researcher Lane reports that he cannot find Niall and warns that Niall is on a dangerous path at the moment.
- April 3 Motacilla_Alba hosts a Drop Party in Frostmere. Red makes an appearance at the end of the drop party, where he drops a new item: the End Totem.
- April 4 Niall is spotted in the Otherside Spawn Town, where he quickly eludes players trying to follow him on his unknown task. He checks into the Red Rose Hotel briefly, leaving some parts. Apparently he visited The Parallel Prime Spawn Town Observatory and Researcher Lane's Observatory as evidenced by the missing parts and the apology sign from Niall. The trail ends in a cave near Researcher Lane's Observatory where there is a sign from Niall about getting rest in the cave, with a bed and redstone dust on the floor nearby. Researcher Lane confirms that this dust is not blood.
- April 16 Niall is located in a Fishing Village on Parallel Prime. His notebook says he is working on a project, but provides few details. Some mysterious dust is discovered in a chest in the village.
- April 17
- The first Easter Egg Hunt of Parallel, designed primarily by CinderAshes2787, commences. Snowy893 is declared the winner after finding all unique eggs spread throughout Parallel Prime and Otherside.
- Researcher Lane says that he has not heard any reports from another explorer, Captain Cora, for weeks. He directs players to the Lake under Otherside Spawn Town to read her notes by the lake. Willie chimes in and mentions The Lake Lurker. The notes say that the lake has received a severe spike in salinity. From a diary left by an unknown author, they believe they may have happened upon The Lake Lurker while exploring.
- April 20* A sign from the Stormgate Keepers is discovered in The Thiccy Piston in the Shopping District. Shortly after discovery The_Storm_Keeper enters the game brifely, acknowledging robbie1776's discovery of the sign.
- April 24
- An update to the sign board in the Otherside Spawn Town Lake is reported, with a cross sectional map of the underground of Otherside Spawn Town with a photo of The Lake Lurker reported. Some iron golems had been created by Researcher Lane to patrol the lake.
- The_Storm_Keeper makes another in-game appearance. The Stormgate Keepers are apparently struggling to ward off an attack from Ralnthar's minions and warns that Parallel must prepare itself for invasion in the future.
- An update to Niall's notes left in the Fishing Village is reported, which adds "The riddles of the past are becoming clearer and clearer" in the last page of the notebook.
- April 25
- Ralnthar warns players that someone has been frequently observing him in his lair and that anyone who comes too close will be incinerated. A notebook most likely by Researcher Lane is found nearby Ralnthar's Lair warning that the temperature is increasing, perhaps indicating an approaching return to full health for Ralnthar.
- Researcher Lane reports that someone has broken into The Citadel, where Niall left some signs saying he was looking for something but it was not in the dungeon.
- May 3 Some new books in the Space Station detail an outbreak of fungus in the menagerie floor. The book was written by L.W. 141, who apparently needs to report this an Captain 1854. L.W. 141 names the fungus "Nether Weed."
- May 9 The_Storm_Keeper logs on briefly to say "Four Days," and then leaves. In four days would be CreeperKing309's birthday party, though what the Keeper had to do with this is unknown.
- May 13 After celebrating CreeperKing309's birthday, some Cave Paintings were left in the debris from the explosion. Apparently, The_Muffin_Man_ picked them up from wind blowing in the Otherside Spawn Town, which he happened to drop during the party.
- May 14 Researcher Lane receives the Cave Paintings from Mr_PresidingDent. He says that they are transcriptions of real cave paintings he found while exploring underneath the Otherside Spawn Town. Players attempt to visit the Dig Site near Researcher Lane's Observatory, but it had been blocked off by Researcher Lane. He provides some drawings of species he observed in the cave to players.
- May 15
- Researcher Lane reports a strange signal from Otherside of unknown origin that he received in broken coded English. Apparently, the signal translated to "approach, approach." Blueshifted signals indicated that the origin of the signal was approaching Otherside. In later weeks this signal was revealed to have come from the Cube Aliens.
- Researcher Lane provides encoded transcripts of recordings for players to decrypt, where the message hints about a formidable foe and indescribable prize approaching.
- May 16
- Players ask Red if he knew anything about the signal or Inmate Karl, where he provides no satisfactory answer. He also dodges the question of who is supplying him.
- Researcher Lane provides another encoded transcript for players to decrypt. The transcript speaks of prizes that are apparently coming with the signal.
- May 18
- There are apparent reports of players interacting with clones of themselves, first with User:Malakim93 and then ApLoki.
- Researcher Lane provides a third encoded transcript for players to decrypt, which apparently challenges players to receive a reward.
- May 21
- More appearances of clones reported near Kimton.
- The_Storm_Keeper makes another appearance, pleading with players for help but not providing a means for them to do so. They leave shortly thereafter.
- Willie finishes rebuilding the interior of houses in Parallel Prime Spawn Town.
- Researcher Lane provides another signal from the approaching object, saying that it is approaching from the void with a challenge. The message repeats.
- May 23
- Researcher Lane reports that Jess has attempted to communicate with the incoming object (the Cube Aliens). Players ask questions to the object.
- The_Storm_Keeper rejoins and pleads to Researcher Lane for help, but still provides no information as to what that would entail. The_Storm_Keeper warns of Ralnthar's return again.
- The object (The Cube Aliens) reply to questions relayed by Jess, saying that they are from the stars, that they do not know about Ralnthar, and that they are not humanoid.
- May 31
- Jess relays a message from the object (Cube Aliens) saying that they travel across planes to bring wealth.
- June 4 A clone of AstelBanana is reported.
- June 4 The first sighting of Witherstel's
- June 6 Researcher Lane reports that the incoming object is communicating in English with no further code, but repeating messages said previously.
- June 12 Researcher Lane and Jess report that the object is incoming and anticipate its arrival on Otherside shortly.
- June 15 Researcher Lane and Jess report hearing an eerie voice from the incoming object saying "Do you see us?" and a date "06/19."
- June 19
- The Cube Alien Arrival event occurs. Players gather with Researcher Lane, Jess, and Red in the Otherside Observatory. The object communicates with players coordinates to find them, where players found an enormous cuboidal structure in Otherside now known as The Cube Dungeon.
- Players try to conquer the dungeon, which contains several different descending floors of high difficulty mobs. During the event the cube underwent some modulations in real time to acclimate to player performance in the dungeon.
- Notes from Moondust, also known as Vanessa Moore, were found in the last floor of the dungeon, detailing her account of attempting to complete The Cube Dungeon to save her partner Germaine Hoang.
- The last floor of the dungeon has a non-organic tree, which had blooms that she thought could help heal Germaine's illness. She leaves notes of an emergency radio frequency to contact the Space Station with. Players looted Gilded Blooms from the tree.
- Upon learning of this radio signal, Red immediately attempts to find Vanessa Moore and Germaine. Players return to Parallel Prime to find the two in an encampment as survivors of the Space Station.
- Books named "Unveiling" and
- Vanessa Moore admits that the Space Station maintained a large prisoner population where experiments were performed on them in exchange for early release.
- Vanessa Moore and Germaine say that the mold infestation from The Space Station event was due to an uncontained biological experiment breaking loose, and that they escaped through escape pods to Parallel Prime. Germaine was injured in the process, and Vanessa Moore had to go to great lengths to heal Germaine, including completing The Cube Dungeon. The medicine that Vanessa Moore had procured healed Germaine's arm, but apparently his eyes changed color. Vanessa Moore is apparently not affected by the blue mold.
- Vanessa Moore tells players that she is blind but can read esoteric languages.
- June 20 Site 85 is founded nearby The Cube Dungeon
- June 26
- robbie1776 reports an incident of a clone of himself being online, as well as several more clones of User:Malakim93.
- The Cube Dungeon modulates once more. Players reenter it, finding spoons from Inmate Karl
- June 27 Willie builds a house for Vanessa Moore and Germaine in the Otherside Spawn Town.
- July 4 After the 3rd Parallel Fourth of July Fireworks Event, Lane confirms from test reports that the substance Niall had in the Fishing Village is not blood, rather, that it is unique and radiates with energy.
- July 5 The_Storm_Keeper appears once more in Frostmere in Otherside after Motacilla_Alba finished hosting a drop party. The Keeper warned of Ralnthar's imminent return yet again, providing no further details as usual.
- July 7 The Stormgate Keepers post in #general a recording of Ralnthar from their most recent battle in which they were forces to retreat to Parallel. The audio recording states: "You bargain with your blood"
- July 19
- Prior to the reopening of Parallel for 1.19, Jess posts in #announcements that she is detecting unusual weather patterns in the newly available sections of Otherside and requests players spend time to explore some specific areas once the server reopens.
- Parallel reopens for Java 1.19. Jess directs players to a site a few thousand blocks from the Otherside Spawn Town, where she noted earlier strange weather readings. The carcass of Ellanti, an Ice Dragon killed by Researcher Lane many months ago by his Weather Machine, was in the area, as well as some destroyed trees. Researcher Lane explains how Ellanti was a previous threat to the Otherside Spawn Town causing people to leave, but cautions against using the Weather Machine as it can lead to potentially catastrophic collateral damage. Researcher Lane then leaves abruptly as he was reminded of something from the site, while Jess collects scales from the carcass.
- July 31 The_Stormgate_Keeper makes another appearance in Parallel, leaving gifts of treasure for _Iron_Hugo_
- August 14
- The 2nd Parallel Olympics is hosted in the Entertainment District on Parallel Prime, as well as several other locations in-server and out-of-server. TheEnderKeeper wins Bronze, Snowy893 wins Silver, and Djminer369 wins Gold prizes for their performance in the games.
- King Cloudius makes an appearance right before the games begin and goes on a monologue about his past in chat. He reveals that as a child, he would enjoy games hosted by the Kingdom of the Sky when his father ruled, but that when he was eight years old the electric dragon Levina wreaked havoc on the Kingdom of the Sky during a session of the games. This resulted in the destruction of the kingdom and the deaths of Cloudius's entire family, including his father, leaving the young prince the next in line to the throne. However, in escaping death from Levina, Cloudius managed to gain his power to wield electricity. Since he had no advisors to help him rule, Cloudius admitted that his reign was flawed and not as patient as his father's, and expressed regret that he could not lead like his father did while also saying his actions against Ralnthar were an attempt to prevent history from repeating itself.
- August 21
- Ollie, the pet allay of Buddy, finds his way back to Otherside after becoming lost on Parallel Prime when King Cloudius shunted Ralnthar through the Sky Dimension Rift. Ollie returned through the Parallel Prime Shopping District Rift and now stays by Buddy in the Otherside Spawn Town. Interacting with Ollie prompts Buddy to tell the player about the Parallel Server Store.
- In a conversation with players, Germaine informs players that he only worked as a mechanic on the Space Station and had little to do with the prison operation on the station. He also said that he had been in space "as long as he could remember" and that his last known ship before the Space Station was the CS Sparrow- (incomplete name). Germaine confirms that he is, in fact, a human. Vanessa Moore says that she does not converse with Researcher Lane or any other researcher as their branches "have not been connected yet."
- King Cloudius opens up more about the electric dragon Levina, who he says is smaller but more vicious than Ralnthar, moved extremely fast with an electric field around her, and that her current whereabouts are unknown.
- October 23
- Vanessa Moore tells players in chat how she found a file containing information about Germaine's introduction to the Space Station. She says Germaine arrived at the station as the sole survivor of the ship C.S. Sparrow, but that there is no official documentation about the existence of a Germaine Hoang. The entire ship interior was covered in blood when discovered, but scans and interrogations of Germaine revealed no information about how that happened. There are rumors of how that happened, which Vanessa Moore does not necessarily believe: a creature "made of stars" entered the ship and killed everyone but Germaine, the ship was boarded and Germaine hid, or that Germaine ate everyone on board. She asks players to be discreet about sharing this information.
- Germaine returns and robbie1776 abruptly confronts him on these rumors. Germaine deflects and does not answer, leaving the conversation shortly thereafter. Vanessa Moore chides robbie1776 for asking Germaine about the rumors.
- Robbie1776 confronts Vanessa Moore about her defense of Germaine, considering the situation to be suspect. Vanessa maintains her defense of Germaine and points out that there were no confirmed victims in the C.S. Sparrow, as Germaine was apparently the only identified individual on the ship when it was found. Vanessa also shares that she herself has been in a situation as the sole survivor of a mission where all others were considered missing in action, and that rumors were probably shared about her. Her reasoning for maintaining Germaine's defense is that she hopes others would not be as cruel to him as they apparently were to her, but she says she cannot control any of the people witnessing this conversation.
- November 1 Germaine takes Vanessa Moore's radio and asks players in chat to help him find some items: a dandelion, honeycombs, a Bottle of Elasa, and Tears of a Star. After finding the items in various location on Parallel, the players give them to Vanessa Moore, who Germaine needs the items for a machine he found a blueprint for. Vanessa says that the Golden Blooms from the Cube Dungeon act like a library for stories from the past, present, and future, and that eventually her machine in her house will be able to read them.
- November 22
- The NPC Lore Q&A is hosted in the Parallel Prime Spawn Town Ampitheater. Most major and minor lore characters (including Ralnthar, represented by a speaker connected to his cave) participated. The transcript is here: [3]
- King Cloudius retells the story of how Levina attacked the Sky Kingdom when he was young, where before decimating the kingdom, the dragon told the citizens a cryptic message: "Worlds within worlds, you cannot hide. Separate, but not lost, you all will die.” Cloudius then says that rather than dying in the lightning dragon's attack, he felt an innate power that dulled the attack and infused him with the power of lightning. In reference to the Siege of the Sky Kingdom, Cloudius says that he tried to use his lightning power to stop Ralnthar but, for reasons unknown to him, the lightning was not effective against the fire dragon.[1]
- Niall makes his reappearance at the conclusion of the Q&A. He reveals that he disappeared earlier in the spring of 2022 because he wanted to harvest a material that served as an effective conductor for his laboratory experiments.[2]
- November 29 Niall returns to the Otherside Spawn Town Observatory. He tells players wondering where he was that he was working on the conductors he mentioned earlier.[3]
- November 30 After Niall's return to the Observatory in Otherside, a player investigates a chest in the satellite room labeled "for Niall's eyes only." The redstone dust in the chest appear to outline the numerals "1 4 1," which may be a reference to Lab Worker 141, an individual who left a note in the Space Station regarding a fungal outbreak in May of 2022.
- December 29
- The Towns Update is released.
- After players rejoin the server, Maggie tells them that her pet sheep, Shaun, is missing. She asks players to find him by looking for clues of his presence in the towns in Otherside. Players find some wheat trails in Mesa Town, and they lead to a cave with a small parkour course from which the sheep has evidently gotten stuck in. Buddy also got stuck with Shaun in the cave, and after player rescue the two of them Maggies rewards the group with diamond blocks.
- Inside an alcove of the cave, players found a notebook from someone who stayed in the cave (most likely Niall). The transcript is here.
- Players return to the Otherside Spawn Town, where King Cloudius welcomes them back and announces the features of the new Towns system. Maggie then announces her new batch of charms is available at her shop.
- Vanessa Moore announce to players that she has opened her own shop. She will sell exotic potions and stories in exchange for Golden Blooms
- January 1 DrQuacker purchases the lorebook "Memory" from Vanessa Moore's Laboratory and uploads it to #documentation. The transcript is here.
- January 29 Genieinajar and TheJuniorMint find mysterious Motes items in The Space Station
- February 5 Genieinajar finds Germaine's Lighthouse and uploads its discovery to #documentation.
- March 31 Germaine is spotted in Parallel Prime fixing Red's spaceship, apparently preventing travel to space for the time being.
- April 1 Parallel turns 3 years old as a public SMP
- April 2 Parallel celebrates its 3rd Annivesary as a public server with in-game events
- Maggie and Shaun begin the event by challenging players to find a loot chest hidden inside Otherside Spawn Town
- 2023 Superlatives are announced in-game
- A mysterious voice interrupts in-game chat by saying they're "back again in this wretched world", looking for someone ("she") "in this dimension or one adjacent."
- The voice also refers to another person ("he"), saying that he's also near and one day they will reunite.
- The voice then calls out about an unknown group (likely The Keepers) saying "their name is a lie... they keep nothing... nothing but fear," then the voice says that they "cross dimensions" and can "..feel her power... her remnants... electric"
- Researcher Lane detects that the voices are coming from nearby The Space Station in Parallel Prime. After manning mission control, Jess detects Hawking radiation emitted nearby the Space Station.
- Players, Lane, and Germaine board the space ship and arrive at Outer Space Prime, noticing scattered asteroids, debris, and ships nearby the Space Station that were not there previously. Thus marks the opening of Outer Space Prime as a region for exploration, with players searching for secrets in the space objects nearby the station.
- Players and Lane eventually find the source of the voice- a dormant black dragon that introduced himelf as Laeros, surrounded by a force field preventing anyone from coming close. He reiterated his desire to find "her" and a "them," warning that "we cannot be kept apart forever."
- After leaving Laeros to remain dormant, players go on to explore space. Several planets, ships, and asteroids containing lore books have been discovered to date.
- April 6 The so-called Melon Planet is discovered in Outer Space Prime
- May 30 Germaine joins the Parallel Discord
- ↑ Transcript of the Parallel NPC Q&A, Page 22
- ↑ Transcript of the Parallel NPC Q&A, page 34
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