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Lane was the only one who came to my 14th birthday party. I bit him. I feel kinda bad...}}
Lane was the only one who came to my 14th birthday party. I bit him. I feel kinda bad...}}
{{BookPage|Until I work up to nerve to apologize to him, I've put up a new sign to keep him out. }}
{{BookPage|Until I work up to nerve to apologize to him, I've put up a new sign to keep him out. }}
=== Observatory ===
{{BookPage|active=true|Research Schedule:
Commute Set, complete as planned.
ETA: Unknown; within the year.
It's getting unbearably lonely around here, but honestly it's curiousity that is finally driving me out. I have to know if my  }}
{{BookPage|old outposts are getting these same readings.
I got an automated signal from the one I built outside of Mesa Town. Really incredible readout. Two distinct, simultaneous wavelengths.  }}
{{BookPage|I've told Wilfred to keep the place tidy. I thought I was going a bit mad, but that man is comparatively bananas.
I wonder if there's anyone still there. Judging from the last Tri-Town Weather Report, I doubt it. I can summon storms, but I can't yet }}
{{BookPage|prevent them, and with a sandstorm as big as they got... well, I wouldn't stick around either.
Coordinates of Destination:
It's only some 300 blocks from Mesa Town, and my records needn't be perfect }}
{{BookPage|when there's no one around to read them.
If I recall correctly each outpost should be marked with a beacon, so I should be able to find the one by Mesa Town in no time. It's been a while since I've been over there, but I should find it okay.}}
{{BookPage|I'm sure everyone is having a truly life changing adventure out there, but I can't just leave behind the center of my fascination, of years of research. The mystery of the Rift is too much to part with; I'll return soon...}}
{{BookPage|active=true|Name: Stray
Location Found: [REDACTED]
{{BookPage|active=true|Lab Journal No. 34;
Long Term Goals:
-Continue Extractor Testing
-Ammend Rift Obervation Report
-Check up on Mesa Outpost
-Buy More Journals
Notes entailed.
  ~Researcher Lane
{{BookPage|Sec. 1-1:
Plasma cutter works great! Needs more charge, consider modifying Rift Extractor to make small energy transfers as a precursor to the final intended purpose.
Copper is easiest to manipulate.
Weird readings from the Extractor today. Different coordinates than usual. Whole different wavelength. Bizzare.
Wish there was anyone left to hire as a research assistant; it's getting hard to manage all this on my own.
Note- 3rd Setting on C}}
Recieved more parts from Blue today. He seemed oddly chipper; something about a new "shipment" from "Them". I'd love to see whatever factory he's referring to for myself; fine craftsmanship, to be sure.
Eureka! Plasma cutter easily compromises the chrystaline structure of Dragon Scales. Needed: mobile, personal prototype. Hand-held preferable, as that would be most compatible with elytra.
I'm confident in our chances: 6 to 1, by my
F*ck. That didn't work.
I miscalculated the velocity of the dragon; the time required for the scales to be fractured could not be met.
We only survived because of a damn thunderstorm... hmm...}}
Previous lab notes had to be burned.  The scientific method is one thing, but I cannot allow the schematics to be seen by anyone. The weather machine is no mere feat of science. It is a true WMD.
I am not afraid because it might fail.}}
{{BookPage|I'm afraid because I know it won't. }}
I was right! By the stars, I was right! She took the bait easily, and the hurricane I produced was strong enough to kill her faster than expected.
Bone samples were alarming, however. This was a young animal. If this was }}
{{BookPage|a small one, I sure as hell don't want to see a large one.
I'm glad we've never made contact with the Castle in the clouds. Judging from the energy readings, enough heat to produce a fusion reaction was released on the other side. }}
{{BookPage|Maybe our dragon didn't come here to hunt; maybe it came to hide. There's always a bigger fish.
More strange energy readings, this time very recently.
They seemed to be localized within an empty field just outside the town. I spoke with that kid in the stump about sealing off the tunnel, just in case, but they}}
{{BookPage|wouldn't have it. Damn, has that kid got teeth.
Apparently they'll be leaving shortly though. I'll leave the chapel alone, but with the population dwindling after that anomalous contact, I don't really see a purpose in sealing the tunnel anyway. }}
Leaving, as scheduled. Wilfred will ensure the laboratory doesn't burn down... I hope. 
{{BookPage|active=true|Scratch Notes:
26/780.5 > Constant C
Ideal Setting: 3
14: A 15: A 16: N/A
Field E > 9,000. DNE.
Energy detected in adjacent field not to be engaged for fear of catalyzing a second Rift event. ~L}}
{{BookPage|active=true|Lane, you've given me an idea...
I will be out for a while.

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== Ralnthar's Lair ==
== Ralnthar's Lair ==
{{BookPage|active=true|Good God, it's enormous... and the temperature in here has been steadily increasing. I don't know how many more readings I'll be able to do before I'm noticed...
This specimen is a lot more powerful than the deceased one; I wonder how old it is.}}
{{BookPage|I've never seen anything like it; I can see why so many people stayed on the Parallel world... I can't imagine living so close to Death itself.}}

== The Cube ==
== The Cube ==
{{BookPage|active=true|Out of one prison, into another... I seized my moment. I escaped. And yet, somehow I end up here. Just my luck. At least I have my spoons, they could never take them away from me. They will protect me in this place, I know they will. I will break out of this place too, or die trying. This place has}}
{{BookPage|a strange energy. A certain hopelessness. But I'll make it out. I have to.
~Inmate Karl}}
{{BookPage|active=true|This place is filled with the corpses of adventurers... Many have tried to best the cube but few succeed...
Turn back while you still can}}
{{BookPage|active=true|Help me…
I hear sounds}}
{{BookPage|active=true|Origins unknown. I have yet to venture deeper but I hear terrifying sounds. What hell hole have I found myself in? Where did the entrance go? Is this thing… alive?}}
{{BookPage|active=true|[ A few loose pages sit here in the corner, clearly forgotten by their author. The author's handwriting is orderly and small, great care has been put into these notes. ]}}
{{BookPage|Day Nineteen
Even with my impairments, I could see a large, looming structure in the sky. Hovering gently above the plains in front of me, beckoning. Its entrance was at the top and as I peered in, all I saw was darkness.}}
{{BookPage|Noises radiated from the void- horrible screeches and loud cries. I knew I had to brave this, for if I didn’t Germaine’s passing would be on my hands.}}
{{BookPage|Reaching the inner chamber was easier than it should have been. Most of the creatures that wandered the halls seem to ignore me and those that didn’t were easy to dispose of. The longest part of it was the mazes but thankfully I managed.}}
{{BookPage|The interior held a single tree, its origins were not organic from the information I could retrieve. Interestingly though, beautiful blooms grew abundantly along the branches. I took time to gather some, perhaps they will have a use for curing Germaine…}}
{{BookPage|The tent I brought and set up got stuck on the outstretched limbs, leaving it here seemed the best option. Maybe it will bring some comfort to those who pass this entity's trial. }}
{{BookPage|When I return back to the base, I must remember to change the radio lines to “CS001”. It is the channel that is used in emergency situations. Perhaps Captain Red will respond or the Station has come back online. }}
{{BookPage|It would be a shame if Vanessa Moore and Germaine Hoang perished on an unfamiliar planet, with only each other to keep company.}}

== Campsite ==
== Campsite ==
{{BookPage|active=true|Day Three
The world we landed on seems to be lush, rich with life according to Germaine’s descriptions. A small outcropping of stone will serve as our temporary home, one to defend us from the sun and give us a place to rest.}}
{{BookPage|I could tell something was off with Germaine but he would not tell me what it was. It seems that he does not trust me or perhaps he fears that it will make me worry. I do not care which it is. }}
{{BookPage|Day Seven
A loud noise occurred in the main chamber, stirring me from my dreamless sleep. Germaine laid unconscious, his breathing shallow.
My frail form made it difficult to move him at all,}}
{{BookPage|but once he was placed on his bed I began examining him, looking for any signs of distress or illness.
I could barely recognize his arm, a turquoise and green “moss” had been clinging to his skin.
I did my best to treat}}
{{BookPage|the area but I fear the infection was left to its own devices for too long.
Whatever was plaguing Germaine’s mind so that he wouldn’t tell me this, I hope it was worth it. This could have cost him his life.}}
{{BookPage|Day Thirteen
This infection is proving to be arduous to control or suppress, the limitations I have been given by the lack of equipment may prove deadly to the bed-ridden Germaine. The symptoms I have taken note of have been}}
{{BookPage|- Dyspnea
- Mydriasis 
- Hyperhidrosis
- Analgesia
- Ataxia
The origin of this substance seems to be deadly to humanoids, curiously enough I am untouched. The cause must be a result}}
{{BookPage|of the biological modifications I have done to myself, I am unsure if this is a blessing or curse.
Day Sixteen
Bizarre radio frequencies have been picked up by the cursory communications tower.}}
Several other messages kept repeating themselves but I believe this was a trap for those greedy enough to believe its lies.
Germaine believed differently.}}
{{BookPage|He believed even if they were lies, it was the only chance we had at curing him. I had to begrudgingly agree, It was his only chance. I packed enough belongings for the journey and headed to the source of the message.}}
[Some pages seem to have fallen out here.]}}
{{BookPage|Day Twenty-two
Astonishingly, the blooms were not useless. After some experimentation I managed to create something to reverse the effects of the infection, Germaine returned to normal by the end of the day. }}
{{BookPage|There were some unusual effects of the “mold”, his eyes were no longer a rich brown but instead the color that marked his right arm. It seemed to be of no concern for now.}}
{{BookPage|Day Thirty
It has been some time and I have received no message. No response. Work has stopped on the communication tower for it functions for what we need. }}
{{BookPage|Perhaps Germaine and I are doomed to stay here, living out our days bickering like children. Though as I write it isn’t as bad as it seems. It could be worse.}}
The landing and the first few days after that were all a blur for me, I only remember a few bits and pieces such as Moondust leaning over me, probably scolding me like always.}}
{{BookPage|When my memory started to get clearer I was bed-ridden, barely able to move any part of my body and my throat was so, so dry.
She was there though, checking my right arm with a scowl over her face. }}
{{BookPage|“Such a moron.” she must be thinking to herself, I don’t fully remember what I started talking about but I’m pretty sure I mentioned things that should never see the light. I hope she'll never repeat any of it, I don't wanna know what I said.}}
{{BookPage|At some point we received a message, I told her to try it cause nothing else seems to be working and she surprisingly agreed. Some math with coordinate stuff was done and she packed up, made sure I had enough to live, then left. }}
I hadn’t been truly alone for years, not since I was picked up from the BC Black Sparrow and as I watched her go I dreaded the quietness.}}
{{BookPage|It felt like a week before she returned but I’m sure that was just my sanity slipping through the cracks, she had rudely woken me up by shoving a liquid down my throat.
My anger didn’t last for long as I could feel life returning to my bones and flesh, it felt great!}}
{{BookPage|I don’t know how long it took but I was back to my normal self pretty soon, amazingly. I had a mark on my arm, where I was attacked, and she noted my eyes were different. She explained that they were different colors and that's it. Couldn't have been that bad...}}
{{BookPage|We managed to get the base to be fully functioning but now she works day and night with no breaks to reconnect with the Station or Red. As if he’d answer.
I’m starting to believe we’ll be stuck here forever, which isn’t that bad.}}
{{BookPage|We could have landed somewhere worse, at least plants and animals live here. The sunsets are pretty too, shame that Vanessa can’t see it...
... I’m thinking that I’ve gotten myself in more trouble than I thought.}}
