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Parallel features a number of custom advancements.

List of advancements


Icon Advancement Description Parent
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Villages Hrrmm
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Timid Kitty Take in a stray cat Villages
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Outcast Outpost Enter an enemy encampment Villages
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Who's the Pillager Now? Give a pillager a taste of their own medicine Outcast Outpost
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Pillaged Be killed by a patrolling pillager Who's the Pillager Now?
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Hired Help Summon an iron golem to help defend a village Pillaged
Advancement-oval-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image The Iron Giant Be killed by an iron golem defending its village Hired Help
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image The Captain's Curse Become a bad omen Who's the Pillager Now?
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Evil Decor Place the cursed banner The Captain's Curse
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image You Rang? Sound a bell to alert a village of danger The Captain's Curse
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Unleash the Beast Start a raid The Captain's Curse
Advancement-oval-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Mighty Foe Slay a ravager Unleash the Beast
Advancement-fancy-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Village Glory Successfully defend a village from a raid Mighty Foe
Advancement-fancy-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image A Long Way from the Outpost... Start a raid in the Nether or End Unleash the Beast
Advancement-oval-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Zombie Doctor Weaken and then cure a zombie villager Villages
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image What a Deal! Successfully trade with a villager Villages
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Star Trader Trade with a Villager at the build height limit What a Deal!
Advancement-fancy-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Diversity Discover every type of village What a Deal!
Advancement-oval-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Artisan Trade with a master level villager What a Deal!
Advancement-fancy-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Global Economy Trade with a villager from each possible biome Artisan
Advancement-oval-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Surge Protector Protect a Villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire Villages


Icon Advancement Description Parent
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Caving In the depths of Minecraft
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Shrooms Gather both types of mushroom Caving
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image This Stew Is Suspicious Drink a mysterious meal Shrooms
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Overgrown Grow a giant mushroom then harvest it with Silk Touch Shrooms
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Underground Growth Enter a lush cave Caving
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Tilted Cause a big dripleaf to become unstable Underground Growth
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Grow and Glow Use bone meal to grow berries on cave vines Tilted
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image The Cutest Predator Catch an Axolotl in a Bucket Underground Growth
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image The Healing Power of Friendship Team up with an Axolotl and with a fight The Cutest Predator
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Attack from Above Suffocate in gravel Caving
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Got a Light? Combine flint and an iron ingot Attack from Above
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Stalagspikes Fall on the tip of pointed dripstone Attack from Above
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image I Smell Diamonds... Descend deep enough to find diamonds Caving
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image The Floor Is Lava Go so deep that lava seeps into open spaces I Smell Diamonds...
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Unbreakable Reach rock bottom The Floor Is Lava
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Stoned Gather all eight types of stone I Smell Diamonds...
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Ores Galores Gather each type of ore Stoned
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Ever Downward Enter the Deep Dark I Smell Diamonds...
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Who Turned Out The Lights? Get the darkness effect Ever Downward
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Smeltery Craft a blast furnace to smelt your ores faster Caving
Advancement-plain-raw.pnglink= class=pixel-image Underground Rocks Enter a dripstone cave Caving

Nether Structures






The End




The Rainbow


