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A day-by-day history of major events on Parallel.


A spherical rift begins to form over Spawn Town
  • March 30: The server opening is teased on YouTube.
  • April 1:
  • April ?: Four purple parallel lines (later identified as linear rifts) are spotted in the sky over Spawn Town.
  • April 9:
    • The four tears in the sky expand into a sphere.
    • Niall first appears, identifying himself as a traveler with an intent to "keep an eye" on the anomaly.
  • April 18: The sphere expands and develops an outer layer. Niall deems this a normal occurrence, though occurring sooner than expected.
  • April 29: The sphere seemingly collapses into a small 5-block area consisting of end portal blocks surrounded by barriers.
  • May 12: A neutral mob, identified by Niall as a wisp, is first observed in the settlement Heiwa Kame; more wisps are later found elsewhere. Niall forbids players from provoking the Wisps by killing them.
  • May 15 Construction begins on the Shopping District in Parallel Prime.
  • May 28: The sphere in the sky once again expands.
  • June 1:
  • June 8: The Volatile Science event occurs. The spherical anomaly continues to expand. A team of players towers toward it and encounters unusual effects, such as levitation and glowing. Wisps are spotted at its base. Niall warns that it is growing unstable.
A purple tear in the night sky
Teaser sent to Diamondback88 from Niall of a Rift forming.
  • June 12: Diamondback88 posts this teaser image sent by Niall in #announcements
  • June 14 (presumed): Red writes Captain’s Log 23 while in space, scanning the
  • June 18: The Crash Site Dungeon Event occurs. Niall requests the help of players for investigating scattered debris across Quadrant IV of Parallel Prime, which results in players finding a distress beacon and various space ship parts. The search culminated in the discovery of the Crash Site Crater Dungeon, where players found the bridge of a ship originally belonging to Red. The impact crater from the bridge component was deep enough to unearth a large dungeon directly below the ship remnant, which players explored accordingly.