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1,304 bytes added ,  8 July 2022
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*'''June 30''' The [[Monthly Top Voter Reward]] system is established. Included in the reward chests are [[monthly top voter winner map arts]] [[Mr_PresidingDent]] and [[KingDeDeDeVII]] win top voter prizes of June 2021.  
*'''June 30''' The [[Monthly Top Voter Reward]] system is established. Included in the reward chests are [[monthly top voter winner map arts]] [[Mr_PresidingDent]] and [[KingDeDeDeVII]] win top voter prizes of June 2021.  
*'''July 5''' [[Parallel]] updates to [[Java 1.17]]. [[Parallel Prime]] underwent a border expansion from ±5000 x 5000 blocks to ±8000 x 8000 blocks (from a total of 100,000 to 256,000 square blocks in area, more than double its previous size). [[Parallel Prime Spawn Town]] has undergone some changes, where NPCs from [[The Kingdom of the Sky]] fled to various buildings in the town. [[Rudy]] established a smithy and [[Gino]] established a bakery as [[NPC shops]].
*'''July 5''' [[Parallel]] updates to [[Java 1.17]]. [[Parallel Prime]] underwent a border expansion from ±5000 x 5000 blocks to ±8000 x 8000 blocks (from a total of 100,000 to 256,000 square blocks in area, more than double its previous size). [[Parallel Prime Spawn Town]] has undergone some changes, where NPCs from [[The Kingdom of the Sky]] fled to various buildings in the town. [[Rudy]] established a smithy and [[Gino]] established a bakery as [[NPC shops]]. Additionally, three [[portal pads]] from the [[Parallel Prime Spawn Town]] opened, each to a newly discovered [[Biome Town]]: [[Mountain Town]], [[Savannah Town]], and [[Jungle Town]]. These towns were abandoned and decrepit upon entry, so it was the task of the players to rebuild and resettle these towns. All three of these biome towns were outside of the previous world border.
*'''July 11''' [[Parallel]] hosts its second [[4th of July Fireworks Show]] one week late.
*'''July 19''' Players begin reporting the existence of various [[asteroid impacts]] on [[Parallel Prime]]. Crater sites [[P-A-71921] and [P-B-71921]]. Each asteroid crater contains an obsidian asteroid with loot inside of it, including a unique named spyglass. [[P-A-71921]]'s spyglass was named "explore new worlds" and [[P-B-71921]]'s spyglass was named "is there more to the sky?".
*'''July 21''' An expedition lead by [[CreeperKing309]] to a [[Woodland Fortress]] leads to the accidental discovery of [[Niall's Private Observatory]] on [[Parallel Prime]]. Players noticed a [[fire wisp]] trapped in a locked room, as well as a secret basement containing an isolated [[rift block]]. A lectern written in [[Galactic Standard Alphabet]] warned of an impending [[storm]], which was not otherwise elaborated upon.
*'''July 22'''

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