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== Jess' Tower ==
== Jess' Tower ==
{{BookPage|I'M GOING TO LIVE!!!
{{BookPage|active=true|I'M GOING TO LIVE!!!
The housing hurts a whole lot when I cough, but the surgeon assured me that would pass as it healed. It better, because I want to scratch my ribs out right now. BUT I'M NOT DYING! The main chipset is online, containment is holding steady, and the power|active=true}}
The housing hurts a whole lot when I cough, but the surgeon assured me that would pass as it healed. It better, because I want to scratch my ribs out right now. BUT I'M NOT DYING! The main chipset is online, containment is holding steady, and the power}}
{{BookPage|supply will last a year before it needs to be replenished.
{{BookPage|supply will last a year before it needs to be replenished.

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But I can't find another way.}}
But I can't find another way.}}
{{BookPage|active=true|World 7 Log
Last jump gave me approximately 10 months. Energy output seems to vary, but I think it might be decreasing as time goes on. I'll have to see if I can optimize the siphon in my next few worlds.}}
{{BookPage|The Rift in this world is massive. It's comprised of three concentric spheres, the largest measuring about 100 meters wide. Spherical Rifts are rare; I've only seen one so far, and never one with several spheres. If its energy signature is as unique as its shape, calibration may take }}
{{BookPage|extra time. Hopefully its time I have.
With an extra special Rift comes extra curious people. There's a whole swarm poking at the Rift and asking me questions when I try to get a closer look. There's another scientist they keep talking about, though they haven't}}
{{BookPage|met him nor seen his outpost, so raiding it for information is a bust.
I hope they all stay out of the blast radius, but I'll do what I have to.}}
{{BookPage|active=true|I've returned. I usually don't.
But instead of the Rift throwing me to the next world, it connected two worlds. People can now travel between what they call Parallel Prime and the Sky Kingdom, where I landed.
And now that I've had}}
{{BookPage|a chance to double check my readings, I can say for sure that this siphoning gave me five years back.
Which is new, to say the least. I haven't had a life expectancy longer than one year since my surgery. I don't have to catapult myself between worlds for some time.}}
{{BookPage|What's more, I'm stuck in this world instead of being thrown to the next.
I need to know why this Rift is different. Could it give me another five years? Could it give me more?
The Sky Kingdom was razed by a dragon, and its King has asked}}
{{BookPage|me and Niall to expand the Rift to bring more rebuilding supplies through. I've agreed, since it will give me unprecedented access to the Rift, & Niall's research on it.
I need parts. The machinery in Niall's lab is more for analysis than manipulation, and most of it can't be}}
{{BookPage|repurposed. The merchant Red says he can lead people to a station that will have what we need, but I have my doubts. This station would have to be both highly advanced and massive to contain the required components. And Red's feared "They" are just going to let people take it?}}
{{BookPage|I'm skeptical to say the least. We'll find out eventually, once Red has decided people have purchased enough to appease his bosses, whoever They are.
Anyway, Jess signing off. For now...}}

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