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3,738 bytes added ,  22 July 2022
Castle Cloudius
(Castle Cloudius)
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               Red Leader}}
               Red Leader}}
== Niall's Outpost ==

== Jess' Tower ==
== Jess' Tower ==
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Anyway, Jess signing off. For now...}}
Anyway, Jess signing off. For now...}}
== Castle Cloudius ==
{{BookPage|active=true|I can't believe it. My Kingdom is in shambles, my people forced out of their homes. How could I let this happen? That damned dragon, those damned players... I don't know what the future holds for me or my people. I can barely even bring myself to revisit my once great Kingdom, so I had my }}
{{BookPage|remaining subjects construct this castle where I may protect what remains of my treasures, and plan for the future. This tower cannot compare to my real Castle. I have prioritized the rebuilding efforts to focus on it, and as soon as it is safe I must move back there. I even tried residing}}
{{BookPage|in that "Spawn Town" with all my subjects, but it only reminds me of my once great Kingdom. It is nice to exercise my power from time to time as judge, but I can hardly bare the thought of my people and I living in such a place. This castle remains the last untouched sanctuary}}
{{BookPage|of my power that I know of. I pray that the evil influences that destroyed my Kingdom never find this place.
Amidst all this chaos, however, there is a glimmer of hope. Rebuilding efforts have been painfully slow, but I may have come up with a way to }}
{{BookPage|speed up the process. My Kingdom's portal is so small in size that it limits the amount of material one can move through it at any given time, so expanding its size would allow for a much more efficient rebuilding process. The woman who calls herself Jess has offered her services}}
{{BookPage|to me to accomplish this. No matter the costs, it must be done. My people deserve a real home. That is my only priority at the moment. Jess claims she needs to get the "parts" to expand the portal, I hope she finds them soon enough. I know next to nothing about the rift, but if I am given the}}
{{BookPage|opportunity to have my kingdom back, I am taking it.
{{BookPage|active=true|It's been weeks now since the destruction of my Kingdom and I am beginning to grow impatient. The more I think about things the less hopeful I become. I mustered up the courage to visit my Kingdom the other day, and what I saw only made me feel worse. While my castle is starting to look like its }}
{{BookPage|former self, the rest of the buildings are nonexistent. And all the while I was watched by that foul dragon, God knows how I'll deal with him... My people have been asking me how long it will be before they can return home and truth be told I have no idea. With each passing day I }}
{{BookPage|consider more and more drastic solutions to restore my Kingdom. I still cling to my plan to expand the Sky-side Portal. It seems to be the only way to speed up this painstaking process. Whenever I ask Jess for an update, she tells me hardly anything. If only she cared about my}}
{{BookPage|people like I do. This castle was nice at first, but I need something to rule over. The court is not enough either.
Those damned players promised they would help defend my Kingdom. They were given hours to prepare, and still it fell to ruin. While I }}
{{BookPage|appreciate their efforts I wonder if their influence is what led to my Kingdom's demise. Perhaps they were against me from the beginning. It seems only fair that I focus on my own people's wellbeing, and we will see what the future holds.}}
{{BookPage|active=true|My plan must work. It has to work. We need to rebuild, my people need their homes back. I need my castle back. Nothing else matters. Expand the portal, save my people. Expand the portal, save everything. I pray that Jess is almost finished. I don't know how much longer I can}}
{{BookPage|last like this but it must be done this way. It must.}}

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=== Willie's House ===
=== Willie's House ===

== Outposts ==
== Lane's Outposts ==
=== Mesa Outpost ===
=== Mesa Outpost ===

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