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== Otherside Spawn Town ==
== Otherside Spawn Town ==
=== Botanical Chapel ===
=== Botanical Chapel ===
{{BookPage|active=true|In those early days, when the valley was fresh and wild, the first settlers basked in the wonder of the Great Tree.
Yet to them, she was a mere mountain of lumber, of boards and shingles for their cots and huts. She stood for 5 days more. She died the 6th.}}
{{BookPage|Her carcass stands in the shadowed walls and beams of the village of the valley, masquerading  as shops and homes.
Only the Mountains remember those days, and have sung to me of her severed reign.
I alone returned to the Stump, her last remnant. Her grave}}
{{BookPage|The mushrooms and I carved a home here, and it was they that revealed to me the Sapling. Sprouting from the rotting wood, it alone contains my hope for the future. It alone proclaims she lives.
I must protect her, and all the vulnerable plants of this world}}
{{BookPage|Here, chiseled deep into the petrified heart of the Stump, I keep and guard the Sapling, in my own Botanical Chapel.
The air down here is thick with life, and grows more potent with each seed I sequester in these catacombs. Stay a while, if you would.}}
{{BookPage|You may surpass me in years, but not my friends. You have not heard the Mountain's Music, or babbled with the brook. You know not of the Great Tree.
Grant us your respect, and you shall have ours.
~The Stump Witch}}
{{BookPage|active=true| ~<Hell Broth Recipe>~
Bring cauldron to boil over the fire.
Add ingredients:
-Fillet of fenny snake
-Eye of newt
-Toe of frog
-Wool of bat
-Tongue of dog
-Adder's fork
-Blind worm's sting
-Lizard's leg
-Howlet's wing
-Salt and pepper}}
{{BookPage|Cool with baboon's blood until charm is firm and good.
Serves 3.
{{BookPage|Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.}}
{{BookPage|active=true|I knew it- we are not alone! There are other planes, other worlds, and with them their own axes and brushfires.
I've gone to glean new plants for the Chapel. I'll be back soon.
Lane was the only one who came to my 14th birthday party. I bit him. I feel kinda bad...}}
{{BookPage|Until I work up to nerve to apologize to him, I've put up a new sign to keep him out. }}

=== Red Rose Inn ===
=== Red Rose Inn ===
{{BookPage|active=true|Welcome to the Red Rose Inn!
Guest Check-in List:
Guest name: Maggie, 2B
Stay date: 2/3-2/5
Reason for stay: Shaun was baa'ing too loud, needed to get some sleep. Moved closer to Willie though, kept up by his snoring}}
{{BookPage|Guest name: Shaun the Sheep, 2C
Stay date: 2/4-2/5
Reason for stay: Missed Maggie :(
Guest name: Niall, 1A
Stay date: 2/7-2/8
Reason for stay: Needed to get some sleep... I keep thinking about that damned dragon and his threats}}
{{BookPage|Guest Name: Niall, 2C
Stay Date: 4/4-4/4
Reason for stay: I came back too soon...}}

=== Willie's House ===
=== Willie's House ===
{{BookPage|active=true|Started construction on a new tower. Not sure what it can be used for but I'll figure that out once it's done. Anyway, back to building.
{{BookPage|The tower's all done... might make another one soon for the hell of it. I'm sure the others will find some use for it. I'll finish up with the old spawn town first, though.
{{BookPage|I went ahead and finished the second tower anyway. Now back to the old Spawn Town...
{{BookPage|active=true|Roses are red
Violets are also red
The voices in my head
are collectively named
This poetry stuff is hard, better stick to building.
Yes, I know!
{{BookPage|Nails: Pros
-Easy to use
-Easy to make
Nails: Cons
-Nail guns are scary
-Not good laterals
{{BookPage|Screws: Pros
-A cool twist (haha!)
-Stronger joining
Screws: Cons
-Harder to use
-Harder to make

== Lane's Outposts ==
== Lane's Outposts ==

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