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== Lane's Outposts ==
== Lane's Outposts ==
=== Mesa Outpost ===
=== Mesa Outpost ===
{{BookPage|active=true|I fear the main parts I need may only be found in that dungeon I discovered a few years ago. I figure I'll make my way over there next month, perhaps the week of January 3rd at some point.

=== Lush Outpost ===
I believe I wrote down the location of that dungeon in a book of}}
{{BookPage|research notes in another one of my outposts. I think that one was in a Dark Oak Forest if I recall correctly. I believe that forest starts around x 2400, z 2000. It shouldn't be more than a few hundred blocks away from there. It should be marked with a beacon like the others}}
{{BookPage|I'll make a definite trip plan and write it up in that book when I find it. At the very least I'm glad I came here, lots of great parts here. I missed this place. Well, off I go.

=== Jungle Outpost ===
=== Jungle Outpost ===
{{BookPage|active=true|Drat, I thought I had left those notes here but it seems I left them at the outpost near the Cliffside Frontier Town now that I think about it. No big deal, there are plenty of valuable parts here to grab anyway. If I recall correctly that town is around x -2500, z -3350. The outpost}}
{{BookPage|should be within a few hundred blocks of that, marked with a beacon like all the others.
Heading out now.,

=== Cliffside Outpost ===
=== Cliffside Outpost ===
{{BookPage|active=true|Good, the notes were here! I read them and updated them accordingly. I grabbed a couple parts I needed here too. Before I set out for the dungeon, I need a few auxilary parts that I bet I could find at my other outposts. I'll start with the one I put in that spruce forest. If I}}
{{BookPage|recall correctly that forest starts around x -4000, z 200. It should be within a few hundred blocks of that area and marked with a beacon like the others.
Here we go!

=== Forest Outpost ===
=== Forest Outpost ===
{{BookPage|active=true|I found most of the parts I needed here, but I'll have to check the last outpost to make sure I have everything. I believe that's the one that's the hardest to reach. It's buried in a lush cave near the lush cave that holds a Frontier Town. That town is located around x -2350,}}
{{BookPage|z 2350. If I go spelunking around there it shouldn't be too far away. The beacon beam should be visible from the surface too. This one borders a huge lava lake, no wonder I hardly use it.
Going there now.
=== Lush Outpost ===
{{BookPage|active=true|Found the parts I need, just like I thought! I will indeed have to make that dungeon trip though. That will be fun. Well until then, I will probably be out of this region. Looking forward to that trip. I'm still on pace to make it the week of January 3rd. What day did I pick again? Blast,}}
{{BookPage|I forget. I wrote it down in my Research Notes, better check that again.

== Ralnthar's Lair ==
== Ralnthar's Lair ==

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