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{{BookPage|They'll ask questions. I know they will. I'll figure something out. I must continue. At all costs.}}
{{BookPage|They'll ask questions. I know they will. I'll figure something out. I must continue. At all costs.}}
==Vanessa Moore's Laboratory==
{{BookPage|active=true|"Perhaps it is hope that I have. Hope that people are not as cruel as they seem, but as I've said before- I do not control any of you." The radio clicks, as Vanessa lifts her finger, signifying it is no longer an open channel. Silence was the only thing Vanessa could}}
{{BookPage|hear and she found that strange, discomforting even- it wasn’t until she felt his presence on the edge of her warped vision. Germaine was light on his feet which made Vanessa cock her head, she had never heard him so quiet and believed that he didn’t have the capability to.}}
{{BookPage|"Why'd ya do it."
Before she could open her mouth, he took a step forward, "When we got here, I asked you to not mention anythin' like the rumors. You remember how much shit I had to deal with." He breath was shaky and his voice was growing heavy with worry,}}
{{BookPage|"I ain't pissed at you. I just.. I just wanna know why you did it. Did I do somethin' to upset you?" "No." She finally spoke up, "I believed they should know some truth about you, I know that it is your nature to lie, for it is to protect yourself." She broke eye contact with him, glancing down,}}
{{BookPage| "I... Shouldn't have done what I did and I am sorry. I did not want the details to be exposed and turned on you."
The silence sat between them for what felt like hours before Vanessa spoke up, “You know they would have found out eventually, they}}
{{BookPage| are resourceful. I believed I could persuade them to not believe such foolish rumors…” Germaine looked back at her and she looked at him, he was doubled and tinted green, a side effect of her biological tinkering. When he didn’t respond, she pondered,}}
{{BookPage|“Is there a reason you didn’t tell them anything? Surely small details about the event would have spared some-”
Before she could even react, he rapidly stood up- causing the chair to go skidding across the ground.}}
{{BookPage|“BECAUSE- I- DON’T- REMEMBER!” Vanessa jumped at the volume increase but he didn’t slow down, “DID YA WANNA HEAR IT OUT OF MY OWN MOUTH? I- DON’T- REMEMBER!” Germaine became more animated, gesturing at his chest in frustration,}}
{{BookPage|“The files ain’t enough for you? They fuckin’ poked around my head and memories and found JACK SHIT.” Vanessa let him continue, knowing he doesn’t speak what's on his mind often. “They said it was some unknown third-party and not my own}}
{{BookPage|brain blockin’ it out, and personally- I DON’T CARE.”
Germaine was pacing the room now, it was hard for her to keep line of sight on him, “I just wanted it all to be over with! Now I gotta deal with this shit from ROBBIE out of all people, but…” He sighed}}
{{BookPage|deeply before continuing “I’ll deal with it, like I always do.” Germaine was finally standing still and looking straight at Vanessa, “All the shit you stirred up… I think you owe me one.” She raised her eyebrow, keeping her face neutral “As long as you don’t do anything}}
{{BookPage|idiotic with it or my trust, I do not mind ‘owing’ you one.” Unfortunately, through her distorted perception, she could see a mischievous grin, “Nahh, I wouldn’t make you do anything you wouldn’t wanna do. What’s the fun in that?” She simply rolled her eyes before}}
{{BookPage|returning to her work. "Whatever makes you tolerable, Germaine."}}

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