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==== Tank ====
==== Tank ====
Tank is the most basic class, with full unenchanted diamond armor, a diamond sword, and three healing steaks (4 hearts each). While lacking in abilities, Tank is a solid all around class with many applications in offensive and defensive situations.
Tank is the most basic class, with full unenchanted diamond armor, a diamond sword, and three healing steaks. While lacking in abilities, Tank is a solid all around class with many applications in offensive and defensive situations.
{{Slot|[Tank Sword]Diamond Sword}}{{Slot|Steak|lore=Right-click to restore health!|count=3}}{{Slot|Diamond Helmet}}{{Slot|Diamond Chestplate}}{{Slot|Diamond Leggings}}{{Slot|Diamond Boots}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Tank Sword]Diamond Sword}}
|Tank Sword
!{{Slot|Steak,3[Right-click to restore health!]}}
|Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|Diamond Helmet}}
| Diamond Helmet
!{{Slot|Diamond Chestplate}}
|Diamond Chestplate
!{{Slot|Diamond Leggings}}
|Diamond Leggings
!{{Slot|Diamond Boots}}
|Diamond Boots

Medic is a support class, armed with unenchanted gold armor, a Sharpness I golden sword, six healing steaks and three Web Balls (snowballs). As passive abilities, Medics have infinite Fire Resistance and Water Breathing, as well as passive regeneration of half a heart every three seconds. When a Medic clicks on a teammate, they are given Regeneration V for 5 seconds, as well as having their kit fully replenished. A player can only be healed this way every fifteen seconds. A Medic can also throw a Web Ball to spawn a cobweb where it lands. Medics are crucial to any team, providing item restocks and health to many classes that need them. While mainly used on defense, Medics can team up with an ally to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield, or attack solo with their plentiful supply of healing steaks and passive regeneration.
Medic is a support class, armed with unenchanted gold armor, a Sharpness I golden sword, six healing steaks and three Web Balls (snowballs). As passive abilities, Medics have infinite Fire Resistance and Water Breathing, as well as passive regeneration of half a heart every three seconds. When a Medic clicks on a teammate, they are given Regeneration V for 5 seconds, as well as having their kit fully replenished. A player can only be healed this way every fifteen seconds. A Medic can also throw a Web Ball to spawn a cobweb where it lands. Medics are crucial to any team, providing item restocks and health to many classes that need them. While mainly used on defense, Medics can team up with an ally to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield, or attack solo with their plentiful supply of healing steaks and passive regeneration.
{{Slot|[Medic Sword]Golden Sword[&7Sharpness I/Hit allies to heal them!]}}{{Slot|Steak|count=6|lore=Right-click to restore health!}}{{Slot|Snowball|count=3|title=Web Ball}}{{Slot|Golden Helmet}}{{Slot|Golden Chestplate}}{{Slot|Golden Leggings}}{{Slot|Golden Boots}}{{Stack|effect:Water Breathing}}{{Stack|effect:Fire Resistance}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Medic Sword]Golden Sword}}
| Medic Sword |Sharpness 1
!{{Slot|Steak,6[Right-click to restore health!]}}  
| Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|[Web Ball]Snowball,3}}
|Web Ball - Spawns a Cobweb where it lands
!{{Slot|Golden Helmet}}
| Golden Helmet
!{{Slot|Golden Chestplate}}
|Golden Chestplate
!{{Slot|Golden Leggings}}
|Golden Leggings
!{{Slot|Diamond Boots}}
| Golden Boots
!{{EffectSprite|Water Breathing}}
|Water Breathing I
!{{EffectSprite|Fire Resistance}}
|Fire Resistance I

Soldier is an offensive class, with full unenchanted iron armor, an iron sword, and 4 healing steaks. Soldiers are immune to fall damage, and can right click on a wall to slowly climb it. Soldiers are unable to climb barrier blocks, to prevent the Soldier from becoming unreachable by many classes. Soldier is a solid choice for flag capturing as their wall climbing ability works even while holding the flag, allowing the Soldier to outrun many classes and leaving them confused.
Soldier is an offensive class, with full unenchanted iron armor, an iron sword, and 4 healing steaks. Soldiers are immune to fall damage, and can right click on a wall to slowly climb it. Soldiers are unable to climb barrier blocks, to prevent the Soldier from becoming unreachable by many classes. Soldier is a solid choice for flag capturing as their wall climbing ability works even while holding the flag, allowing the Soldier to outrun many classes and leaving them confused.
{{Slot|[Wall Climbing Sword]Iron Sword}}{{Slot|Steak|lore=Right-click to restore health!|count=4}}{{Slot|Iron Helmet}}{{Slot|Iron Chestplate}}{{Slot|Iron Leggings}}{{Slot|Iron Boots}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Wall Climbing Sword]Iron Sword}}
|Wall Climbing Sword - Right click a wall to climb
!{{Slot|Steak,4[Right-click to restore health!]}}
|Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|Iron Helmet}}
| Iron Helmet
!{{Slot|Iron Chestplate}}
|Iron Chestplate
!{{Slot|Iron Leggings}}
|Iron Leggings
!{{Slot|Iron Boots}}
|Iron Boots

Archer is a ranged class, with unenchanted chainmail armor, a stone sword, a Punch I bow, four healing steaks, and two stacks of arrows. If an Archer pulls back their bow all the way and hits a player from 30+ blocks away, the shot is counted is a snipe and the victim is immediately killed. Archer is a great defensive class for hunting down flag carriers, as their snipe ability can stop a flag carrier in their tracks. The Punch I bow gives some assistance in knockback for up close and personal interactions with the enemy.
Archer is a ranged class, with unenchanted chainmail armor, a stone sword, a Punch I bow, four healing steaks, and two stacks of arrows. If an Archer pulls back their bow all the way and hits a player from 30+ blocks away, the shot is counted is a snipe and the victim is immediately killed. Archer is a great defensive class for hunting down flag carriers, as their snipe ability can stop a flag carrier in their tracks. The Punch I bow and Stone Sword provide options for up close and personal interactions with an enemy.
{{Slot|[Archer Sword]Stone Sword}}{{Slot|Steak|lore=Right-click to restore health!|count=4}}{{Slot|[Archer Bow]Bow[&7Punch I/Hit enemies from afar to snipe them!]}}{{Slot|Arrow|count=64}}{{Slot|Arrow|count=64}}{{Slot|Chainmail Helmet}}{{Slot|Chainmail Chestplate}}{{Slot|Chainmail Leggings}}{{Slot|Chainmail Boots}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Archer Sword]Stone Sword}}
|Archer Sword
!{{Slot|Steak,4[Right-click to restore health!]}}
|Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|[Archer Bow]Bow[&7Punch I/Hit enemies from afar to snipe them!]}}
|Archer Bow - Punch I, Insta-kills from 30+ blocks away
!{{Slot|Chainmail Helmet}}
| Chainmail Helmet
!{{Slot|Chainmail Chestplate}}
|Chainmail Chestplate
!{{Slot|Chainmail Leggings}}
|Chainmail Leggings
!{{Slot|Chainmail Boots}}
|Chainmail Boots

====Assassin ====
====Assassin ====
Assassin is an offensive class, with gold boots, an iron sword, a piece of redstone dust, and two pieces of sugar. When an Assassin right clicks their redstone, they are able to instakill anyone for 2 seconds. If they succeed in assassinating an enemy, they are given a bonus Strength II buff for a few seconds. When they right click their sugar, they are given Speed III for 6 seconds. Both the Assassinate and Speed abilities take 15 seconds to replenish, respectively. Assassins are another great offensive class for hunting down flag carriers and making easy work of stronger classes that may pose a threat to them due to their lack of armor. Their Speed ability outspeeds any other class in the game, allowing the Assassin to catch up to any unsuspecting target.
Assassin is an offensive class, with gold boots, an iron sword, a piece of redstone dust, and two pieces of sugar. When an Assassin right clicks their redstone, they are able to instakill anyone for 2 seconds. If they succeed in assassinating an enemy, they are given a bonus Strength II buff for a few seconds. When they right click their sugar, they are given Speed III for 6 seconds. Both the Assassinate and Speed abilities take 15 seconds to replenish, respectively. Assassins are another great offensive class for hunting down flag carriers and making easy work of stronger classes that may pose a threat to them due to their lack of armor. Their Speed ability outspeeds any other class in the game, allowing the Assassin to catch up to an unsuspecting target.
{{Slot|[Assassin Sword]Iron Sword[&7Assassinate a player to gain Strength II!]}}{{Slot|Redstone|title=&7Assassinate}}{{Slot|Sugar|title=&7Speed Boost|count=2}}{{Slot|Golden Boots}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Assassin Sword]Iron Sword[&7Assassinate a player to gain Strength II!]}}
|Assassin Sword
|Assassinate - Provides an instakill for 2 seconds, and Strength II if successful
!{{Slot|[&7Speed Boost]Sugar,2}}
|Speed Boost - Provides temporary Speed III
!{{Slot|Golden Boots}}
|Golden Boots

====Chemist ====
====Chemist ====
Chemist is a support class, with a leather helmet and boots, Protection II gold chestplate and leggings, an iron sword, and a wide array of potions at their disposal. The potions available to them are listed below. Chemists have an energy bar that is spent when they throw potions. Harming, Healing, and Poison potions take the most amount of energy to throw, while the other potions each take slightly less. Chemists are a great asset to any team, as their potions can help solve any problem, whether it is a teammate on fire, a need for health without a Medic, and needing to reach higher places. A well timed Strength/Speed potion at the start of the game can be very beneficial for the entire team, allowing them to reach the other team quicker and having the upper hand with Strength.
Chemist is a support class, with a leather helmet and boots, Protection II gold chestplate and leggings, an iron sword, and a wide array of potions at their disposal. The potions available to them are listed below. Chemists have an energy bar that is spent when they throw potions. Harming, Healing, and Poison potions take the most amount of energy to throw, while the other potions each take slightly less. Chemists are a great asset to any team, as their potions can help solve any problem, whether it is a teammate on fire, a need for health without a Medic, and needing to reach higher places. A well timed Strength/Speed potion at the start of the game can be very beneficial for the entire team, allowing them to reach the other team quicker and having the upper hand with Strength.
{{Slot|Iron Sword|title=Chemist Sword}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Harming|title=Instant Damage II|lore=&cInstant Damage II|count=12}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Poison|title=Poison II|lore=&cPoison II (0:05)|count=8}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Healing|title=Instant Health III|lore=&9Instant Health III|count=5}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Regeneration|title=Regeneration III|lore=&7Regeneration III (0:16)|count=5}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Strength|title=Strength + Speed|lore=&7Strength (3:00)<br>Speed (3:00)|count=3}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Fire Resistance|title=Fire Resistance|lore=&7Fire Resistance (0:30)|count=5}}{{Slot|Splash Potion of Leaping|title=Jump Boost III|lore=&7Jump Boost III (0:05)|count=3}}{{Slot|Leather Cap}}{{Slot|Golden Chestplate|lore=&7Protection II}}{{Slot|Golden Leggings|lore=&7Protection II}}{{Slot|Leather Boots}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Chemist Sword]Iron Sword}}
|Chemist Sword
|{{Slot|Splash Potion of Harming,20}}
|Instant Damage II
|{{Slot|Splash Potion of Poison,8}}
|Poison II (0:05)
|{{Slot|Splash Potion of Healing,5}}
|Instant Health III
|{{Slot|Splash Potion of Regeneration,5}}
|Regeneration III (0:16)
| {{Slot|Splash Potion of Strength,3}}
|Strength (3:00), Speed (3:00)
|{{Slot|Splash Potion of Fire Resistance,5}}
|Fire Resistance (0:30)
|{{Slot|Splash Potion of Leaping,3}}
|Jump Boost III (0:05)
|{{Slot|Leather Helmet}}
|Leather Helmet
|{{Slot|Golden Chestplate[&7Protection II]}}
|Golden Chestplate (Protection II)
|{{Slot|Golden Leggings[&7Protection II]}}
| Golden Leggings (Protection II)
|{{Slot|Leather Boots}}
|Leather Boots

Dwarf is a defensive class, with chainmail boots and a helmet, diamond chestplate and leggings, a Netherite sword, and three healing steaks. The Dwarf has permanent Slowness and cannot sprint, however their passive ability makes up for it. Whenever a Dwarf is sneaking and holding their sword, their energy bar slowly fills, and gives the sword enchantments for each level gained, at a maximum of 10 levels. Every level, a level of Sharpness is given, every three levels, a level of Knockback is given, and every five levels, a level of Fire Aspect is given, making the Dwarf's maximum sword have Sharpness X, Knockback III, and Fire Aspect II. Dwarves are also immune to knockback of any kind, and at level 10, are immune to fire and harmful potions. Dwarves are a devastating defender in the flag room, making easy work of most classes at max level, however unsneaking to gain some extra ground causes their energy bar to rapidly decrease, making staying sneaking a priority.
Dwarf is a defensive class, with unenchanted chainmail boots and a helmet, diamond chestplate and leggings, a Netherite sword, and three healing steaks. The Dwarf has permanent Slowness and cannot sprint, however their passive ability makes up for it. Whenever a Dwarf is sneaking and holding their sword, their energy bar slowly fills, and gives the sword enchantments for each level gained, at a maximum of 10 levels. Every level, a level of Sharpness is given, every three levels, a level of Knockback is given, and every five levels, a level of Fire Aspect is given, making the Dwarf's maximum sword have Sharpness X, Knockback III, and Fire Aspect II. Dwarves are also immune to knockback of any kind, and at level 10, are immune to fire and harmful potions. Dwarves are a devastating defender in the flag room, making easy work of most classes at max level, however unsneaking to gain some extra ground causes their energy bar to rapidly decrease, making staying sneaking a priority.
=====Level 0=====
{| class="wikitable"
{{Slot|Netherite Sword|title=Dwarf Sword|lore=&7Fire Aspect enchantment.level.0<br>Knockback enchantment.level.0<br>Sharpness enchantment.level.0}}{{Slot|Steak|lore=Right-click to restore health!|count=3}}{{Slot|Chainmail Helmet}}{{Slot|Diamond Chestplate}}{{Slot|Diamond Leggings}}{{Slot|Chainmail Boots}}{{Stack|effect:Slowness}}
|+Loadout (Level 0)
=====Level 10=====
{{Slot|Netherite Sword|title=Dwarf Sword|lore=&7Fire Aspect II<br>Knockback III<br>Sharpness X}}{{Slot|Steak|lore=Right-click to restore health!|count=3}}{{Slot|Chainmail Helmet}}{{Slot|Diamond Chestplate}}{{Slot|Diamond Leggings}}{{Slot|Chainmail Boots}}{{Stack|effect:Slowness}}
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Dwarf Sword]Netherite Sword[&7Fire Aspect enchantment.level.0/Knockback enchantment.level.0/Sharpness enchantment.level.0]}}
|Dwarf Sword
!{{Slot|Steak,3[Right-click to restore health!]}}
|Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|Chainmail Helmet}}
|Chainmail Helmet
!{{Slot|Diamond Chestplate}}
|Diamond Chestplate
!{{Slot|Diamond Leggings}}
|Diamond Leggings
!{{Slot|Chainmail Boots}}
|Chainmail Boots
|Slowness I

==== Ninja====
{| class="wikitable"
|+Loadout (Level 10)
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Dwarf Sword]Netherite Sword[&7Fire Aspect II/Knockback III/Sharpness X]}}
|Dwarf Sword - Sharpness X, Knockback III, Fire Aspect II
!{{Slot|Steak,3[Right-click to restore health!]}}
|Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|Chainmail Helmet}}
|Chainmail Helmet
!{{Slot|Diamond Chestplate}}
|Diamond Chestplate
!{{Slot|Diamond Leggings}}
|Diamond Leggings
!{{Slot|Chainmail Boots}}
|Chainmail Boots
|Slowness I
Ninja is an offensive class, with no armor, a Sharpness V gold sword, 10 ender pearls, 10 Smoke Bombs (eggs), and 64 redstone dust. Ninjas have permanent Speed II. When holding their redstone dust, they become invisible to both teams. While holding the redstone dust, it rapidly depletes at a rate of 2 dust/sec when sneaking, 4 dust/sec when walking, and 12 dust/sec when sprinting. Ninjas can also sneak with their sword out to slowly regenerate health. Ninjas play a major role in flag capturing, as their invisibility and ender pearls allow them to have free movement around the map without being seen, and a well placed ender pearl can lead to a flag capture in seconds. Ninjas can also play an assassin role as sneaking up to an unsuspecting weaker class can be beneficial, however with their lack of armor stronger classes or other Ninjas are much more of a threat.
Ninja is an offensive class, with no armor, a Sharpness V gold sword, 10 ender pearls, 10 Smoke Bombs (eggs), and 64 redstone dust. Ninjas have permanent Speed II. When holding their redstone dust, they become invisible to both teams. While holding the redstone dust, it rapidly depletes at a rate of 2 dust/sec when sneaking, 4 dust/sec when walking, and 12 dust/sec when sprinting. Ninjas can also sneak with their sword out to slowly regenerate health. Ninjas play a major role in flag capturing, as their invisibility and ender pearls allow them to have free movement around the map without being seen, and a well placed ender pearl can lead to a flag capture in seconds. Ninjas can also play an assassin role as sneaking up to an unsuspecting weaker class can be beneficial, however with their lack of armor stronger classes or other Ninjas are much more of a threat.
{{Slot|Golden Sword|title=Ninja Sword|lore=&7Sharpness V<br>Sneak to slowly regain health!}}{{Slot|Ender Pearl|count=10}}{{Slot|Egg|title=Smoke Bomb|count=10}}{{Slot|Redstone|title=Invisibility Dust|count=64}}{{Stack|effect:Speed II}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Ninja Sword]Golden Sword[&7Sharpness V/Sneak to slowly regain health!]}}
|Assassin Sword - Sharpness V, sneak to regain health
!{{Slot|Ender Pearl, 10}}
|Ender Pearls
!{{Slot|[Smoke Bomb]Egg,10}}
|Smoke Bombs - Blinds players on impact
!{{Slot|[Invisibility Dust]Redstone,64}}
|Invisibility Dust - Provides invisiblity while held
|Speed II

Pyro is a defensive/ranged class, armed with unenchanted leather armor, a diamond axe, four healing steaks, an explosive bow, 25 arrows, and a 24 durability flint and steel. Pyros are passively immune to 50% of all fire related damage. When the Pyro releases a fully charged shot, if the arrow hits a block, it explodes, igniting all enemies in a small radius. If an ignited player is hit with the Pyro's diamond axe, they are instantly killed. Pyros are another key asset in the flag room, as a well placed explosion and axe combo can turn flag capturing classes into dust in an instant. Pyros are also great for Ninja checking, as they can ignite invisible Ninjas lurking around the flag room with their bow or by surrounding the area in flames with their flint and steel.
Pyro is a defensive/ranged class, armed with unenchanted leather armor, a diamond axe, four healing steaks, an explosive bow, 25 arrows, and a 24 durability flint and steel. Pyros are passively immune to 50% of all fire related damage. When the Pyro releases a fully charged shot, if the arrow hits a block, it explodes, igniting all enemies in a small radius. If an ignited player is hit with the Pyro's diamond axe, they are instantly killed. Pyros are another key asset in the flag room, as a well placed explosion and axe combo can turn flag capturing classes into dust in an instant. Pyros are also great for Ninja checking, as they can ignite invisible Ninjas lurking around the flag room with their bow or by surrounding the area in flames with their flint and steel.
{{Slot|Diamond Axe|title=Pyro Axe}}{{Slot|Steak|lore=Right-click to restore health!|count=4}}{{Slot|Bow|title=Explosive Bow|lore=&7Shoot the floor for a firey explosion!}}{{Slot|Arrow|count=25}}{{Slot|Flint and Steel|lore=&fDurability: 24 \/ 64}}{{Slot|Leather Cap}}{{Slot|Chainmail Chestplate}}{{Slot|Leather Pants}}{{Slot|Leather Boots}}
{| class="wikitable"
!Item Description
!{{Slot|[Pyro Axe]Diamond Axe}}
|Pyro Axe - One shots flaming players
!{{Slot|Steak,4[Right-click to restore health!]}}
|Healing Steak - Heals 4 Hearts
!{{Slot|[Explosive Bow]Bow[&7Shoot the floor for a firey explosion!]}}
|Explosive Bow
|Explosive Arrow - Explodes upon impacting a block
!{{Slot|Flint and Steel[Durability 24 \/ 64]}}
|Flint and Steel, 24 durability remaining
!{{Slot|Leather Cap}}
|Leather Cap
!{{Slot|Chainmail Chestplate}}
|Chainmail Chestplate
!{{Slot|Chainmail Leggings}}
|Chainmail Leggings
!{{Slot|Leather Boots}}
|Leather Boots

ParallelCTF also features many chat callouts teams can use to alert their team of their surroundings or alert a friendly support for assistance. The callouts are only sent to the team that send the command, and not to the opposing team. These currently include the following:
ParallelCTF also features many chat callouts teams can use to alert their team of their surroundings or alert a friendly support for assistance. The callouts are only sent to the team that send the command, and not to the opposing team. These currently include the following:

*/d, '''"Defend!"'''
{| class="wikitable"
*/md, '''"Medic!"'''
*/b, '''"Need Buffs!"'''
*/c, '''"Careful!"'''
|Need Buffs!


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